Sick sick sick - we are the sick house! Whew! Read on at your own risk... (don't worry, the photos aren't scary) It's been a long week. At my soccer game on Saturday Robin was walking around with Ty having a grand old time. All of a sudden from the sideline I hear Robin saying, "Heidi! We need to leave RIGHT NOW." Of course I'm thinking Tyson fell and cracked his head open or something so I go rushing over and as I got close enough to see....Ty had puked all over Robin! Poor guys!!!! We booked it out of there and tried to clean up in the parking lot before buckling into the car seat to head home. On the way we stopped for some
Chick-Fil-A (basically fast food, but I've been hearing a lot about it and couldn't wait to try it) drive through so Robin and I would have dinner. We got home, Ty was begging for food and seemed happy, so we fed him bananas and applesauce. MISTAKE. 30 minutes later, Ty ran past me and crawled into Robin's arms only to puke all over him again about 2 minutes later. Poor guys again! Kind of lucky mama,'s okay with me if Ty would rather have Robin hold him during those moments ;-)
Anyway, 24 hour flu, no more throwing up, but he was feeling pretty yucky the next day too. Unfortunately (but not surprising), Robin came down with the flu yesterday and did the same thing! My poor, poor boys. Robin worked most of today and is still recovering, but he's on the mend. I'm sure you wanted to know all of those gory details. Hey, you chose to read on! It was our first "baby-throwing-up" experience so I had to document the lives of new parents.
I don't think Tyson was very amused, but I couldn't help taking pictures of him laying around on his daddy all afternoon. If you know how much energy this crazy toddler has, then you will know how sick he must have been to just sit there resting in his daddy's arms for hours! So precious.
Robin got a tiny little 2 second laugh out of him by busting out the Donald Duck voice - works every time.
But quickly back to sicky boy with no smiles...and I think he was getting a
little bit tired of me flashing him with all the pictures.
Robin loved the cuddle time though, let's be honest. He NEVER sits like this with either of us!
Thanks for sharing in our misery!