He is exploring all over the living room now, which means a lot of time spent "training" him to stay out of the kitchen and entry way, not to touch the entertainment stand (or anything on the shelves!), and trying to help him learn how to get out from under the table once he wiggles his way in there between the chair legs and cries because he's stuck.
Even though we have been dealing with sickness this week, as well as a host of other issues (i.e. napping problems), I have had very sweet moments with Tyson lately. His little personality is coming out more every day, and I feel so blessed to be home with him where I can notice when he learns something new, or tries something for the first time. One afternoon he was so tired and just needed some distraction, and since the warm, fall sunshine was still hitting our deck, I put him out there in his exersaucer! He loved it (as you can see below) and I wish I had thought of doing that earlier this summer!
Hopefully as fall arrives this week, our colds will depart at the same time! This weekend we have my mom staying with us Thursday and Friday so I can go to some appointments while she takes care of Tyson, and then we have Robin's mom, Kathleen, coming to visit from Colorado for the weekend and staying with us Friday through Sunday! Busy weekend ahead, but we are looking forward to both of our mom's being here, and the extra help they always are with Ty :) We are busy busy getting ready, but I will definitely blog about their visits next week. Ta-ta for now...
Adorable pictures! Hope you have a great weekend with your families :)