Saturday, January 14, 2012

So close, so close...

Jersey has been crawling since she was 6 months old.  She's almost 13 months...and still crawling.  I'm sure many of you reading this know that I'm SO ready for her to walk!!!  She's been crawling forever.  Yes, walkers are a lot of work, they get in to more things, but there are also many perks!  My back is tired of carrying her everywhere.  She can't really play outside at all in the winter because it's too cold/snowy to be crawling.  And she can't wear any of her cute little dresses yet, because they get in the way when she's crawling!  Well, she is FINALLY close to walking.  Actually, she can walk just fine, she just hasn't decided to make it her primary mode of transportation yet.  But we have seen major improvements in the confidence department this week, so my hopes are up that within another week she'll be a true "walker."  Until then...she's still pretty darn cute ;-)  And the way she says, "Hi!" in this video makes me smile ear to ear.  I love her.

(For those of you who get this blog via automated email whenever I do a new post, I don't think the video comes through like pictures normally do.  If you can't see the video in your email, go to the actual blog link to view if you want to:

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