Monday, February 7, 2011

Man's Work

Tyson learned an important life lesson this week: how to shovel snow like the men of the Schween house do! Robin is always so great about shoveling our driveway and walks at night and in the morning when it snows (foreign concept to me, growing up in Seattle). Tyson got his very own snow shovel for his birthday from Grandmommy and Pappy, so this week with the massive amounts of snow we've been getting, Robin decided to show him how to help "shovel the walks." It was pretty cute. Of course, this was early in the morning when it was still pretty cold outside, so by the time Tyson realized how cold his hands were (he can't wear his mittens and hold the shovel simultaneously) he spent a few minutes crying inside before we warmed them up. Oh well, gotta be tough, kid. Aren't we just the nicest parents making our toddler shovel snow with no gloves on? ;-) What can I say, the kid loves to help!
This is how I found them outside.

Ty would go start at the top of the driveway and shovel all the way down. Good job dude!

Then he would go back up to do it again...down the exact same strip he just shoveled, lol. Okay so maybe doing the same spot over and over isn't the most effective method, but he sure was cute working so hard!