Robin standing outside The Curtis hotel where we stayed.
The next day we explored the city, walking around 16th Street Mall and everything in between. It was so gorgeous and sunny and we had SUCH a wonderful time wandering around and not worrying about which kid needed to nap, and who to feed next before another diaper change, lol.
Enjoying our time in the sunshine.
The "Horror" 13th floor :)
The awesome gym, which we took full advantage of on Saturday morning! We haven't been able to work out TOGETHER for so long - it was a blast!
Hotel lobby...where you can borrow all kinds of books and games from their "library" to take up to your room!
Denver Arts...so beautiful. Can't wait to see a show there some day!
Walking around downtown there are pianos every couple of blocks called "Keys to the City." They were donated and then painted by various local artists. So cool! Anyone from the homeless to the wealthy tourist can just sit down and play them anytime. Robin even took a stab at it ;-)
Out to lunch at an old brewery downtown (the most quiet and enjoyable lunch I've had in quite some time! I didn't have to serve anyone, and MY lunch was delivered to me ;-).
Finishing up our time downtown!
We had so much fun together, but of course missed the kids and were excited to see them the next afternoon. Speaking of kids, they did great for Grandmommy and Pappy! Jersey's first slumber party was a success, and mom and dad came back refreshed and reconnected :) So thankful for the blessing of such a fun gift!